He Must Be Nice To Mother

From “The Polish Wedding”, 1912
Words by George V. Hobart
Music by Jerome D. Kern

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. Mother! Father! can’t you see you worry me
    When you try to hurry me, my heart still is free
    Daughter! Daughter! what a thing to say to us
    Some respect Oh! pay to us, Goodness gracious me
    Mother! Father! Note with your auricular
    I am most particular about the man I’ll wed
    She said! She said! Note with our anricular
    She is most particular about the man she’ll wed
    I said! She said! I said

He must be nice, nice, nice to mother
No other need apply
He must make little jokes all day
For the Folks and smile with a twinkling eye
He must be nice, nice, nice to Father
Will, rather, for you see
If he’s nice to the rest, when he’s put to the test
Then he’s sure to be nice to me

  1. Mother! Father! marriage is a lottery
    Man must not be sought or he may turn out a blank
    Daughter! Daughter! marriage is divine, it is
    Like a glass of wine, it is, we knew, cause we drank
    Mother! Father! Listen while I say to you
    In a final ways to you that I must know my man
    She said! She said! Listen while I say to you
    In a final ways to you that I must know my man
    I said! She said! I said