Hand in Hand Again

Answer to “Till We Meet Again”, 1919
Words by Raymond B. Egan
Music by Richard A. Whiting

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. There were tears in the hour that was darkest
    The hour that came just before dawn
    But a smile lurks today
    Where a tear used to stray
    And the curtain of darkness is drawn

Every heart is lighter
Every smile is brighter
Sad “Adieu” is changing to “Hello” again
Sorrow walked before us
But a prayer watched o’er us
We strayed far but here we are
Hand in hand again

  1. Not a sparrow may fall from the tree top
    Unknown to the angels above
    So then why should our fears
    Turn our smiles to tears
    Heaven watches o’er all hearts that love