Hail Wisconsin

A 1922 marching song.
Words by Albert E. Johnson.
Music by B. H. Poucher.

The sheet music:



  1. You may sing about your old Kentucky moonlight
    Or your home in Tennessee
    Your Indiana home down on the Wabash
    Or wherever it may be
    But the place for which my heart is yearning
    And the place I long to see
    Is my dear old Badger home state
    Wisconsin’s the place for me

It has the beauty, and it has all nature’s charms
Sweet scented meadows and great fertile farms
Virgin forests where all wild things dwell
In leafy bower and shadowy dell
With wild flowers blooming in valleys green
Limp flowing brooklets and murmuring streams
Your rivers flowing, and lakes so blue
Old Wisconsin, hail to you

  1. You may sing about your California roses
    Or your Dixie land so fair
    The cotton blossoms down in old Virginia
    And your longing to be there
    But the place to which my thoughts are turning
    And the only place to be
    Is my dear old Badger home state
    Wisconsin, all hail to thee

Sung here by Fred Feild: