Glory! Glory!

(The Little Octoroon)
A Civil War song from 1866
Words and music by George F. Root

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by Werner Tomaschewski:

Accompaniment by Benjamin R. Tubb:


  1. Near the old Plantation
    At the close of day
    Stood the weary Mother and her child
    Listening to the sounds
    Along the valley’s way
    While their hearts with hope were throbbing wild

Glory! glory! How the Freedmen sang
Glory! glory! How the old woods rang
’Twas the loyal army, sweeping to the sea
Flinging out the banner of the Free

  1. Fly, my precious darling
    To the Union camp
    I will keep the hounds and hunters here
    Go right through the forest
    Through ’tis dark and damp
    God will keep you, dear one, never fear
  2. When the blazing campfires
    Gleamed amid the wood
    And the boys were halting for the night
    In her wondrous beauty
    Little Rosa stood
    Trembling and alone, before their sight
  3. Then the brave old gunner
    Took her in his arms,
    Thinking of his own dear ones at home.
    And through all the marches,
    And their rude alarms
    Safely brought the little Octoroon

Sung here by Vancha March: