Extra! Extra!

From the musical “Miss Liberty”, 1949
Words and music by Irving Berlin

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


Extra! Extra!
Morning, noon and night we yell
Trying very hard to sell
Mister Bennett’s Morning Herald
Mister Pulitzer’s Morning World
Extra! Extra!
Every day the same old grind getting worse because we find
That it’s hard to sell the Herald
While it’s easy to sell the World
That isn’t good for Mister Bennett
So it’s driving him nuts
And the result is Mister Bennett
Hates Mister Pulitzer’s guts
They’re a-feudin’ and a-fussin’
And a-fussin’ and a-feudin’
And it don’t seem to make much sense
Mister Bennett is usin’ the kind of words
That we wouldn’t write on a fence
Extra! Extra!
Who will win is hard to tell
In the meantime we must sell
Mister Bennet’s Morning Herald
Mister Pulitzer’s Morning World
Extra! gimme a world, gimme a World
Herald! Extra! gimme a World
Gimme a World Herald
Extra! gimme a World, gimme a World
Herald, Extra! gimme a World
Gimme a World. Herald! Extra! Extra!
I like the Herald filled with stock market news
Smart social items and conservative views
It’s quite amazing how we always agree
I’m for the Herald ’cause the Herald’s for me
Couldn’t eat a meal without the world
That’s the way we feel about the world
It’s the people’s paper, yes, indeed
With the kind o’ news we like to read
Circulation bigger every day
‘Spite of what the other papers say
‘Spite of accusations that are hurled
Never was a paper like the world
Extra! Extra! Soon we’ll all be getting hell
Just because we couldn’t sell
Mister Bennett’s Morning Herald
And our lives will be imperiled
When he hears how many we sold
Of Mister Pulitzer’s Morning World
Extra! Extra!