Every Day (1917)

From the musical “Oh Boy”, 1917
Words by P. G. Wodehouse
Music by Jerome Kern

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. A girl in love does not need words
    To say so to a man
    For love has a language of its own
    Can she learn it? She can
    Would he understand it? Who
    Why the chap she’s talking to
    If she didn’t say a thing
    We don’t see how he could
    It’s an easy thing to do
    It’s an easy thing to do

If every day, he reads the message
He sees in her eyes
If, when he gazes fondly in them
She droops them and sighs
Then he will know she loves him dearly
What e’er may befall
So, now you understand why words
Are not needed, at all

  1. Then flowers are quite a help
    For each means something I am told
    A rose may say, I love you, dear
    Yes, we know, but that’s old
    Can’t you tell us something new?
    That’s an easy thing to do
    For the language of the flowers
    Has been overdone
    Jewels have their language, too
    Jewels have their language, too

If every day, he sends her diamonds
Or pearls on a string
If, every day, she gets a pendant
Or bracelet or ring
Then she will know
How very deeply in love, he must be
When people love each other
Words are not needed, you see