
A fox-trot song from 1924
Words by Gus Kahn
Music by Ted Fiorito

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. My heart is growin’ so weary
    And you know, dearie, you’re to blame
    My sweet Eliza, ain’t you ashamed
    I keep on sayin’ I love you
    And I dream of you night and day
    My sweet Eliza, that’s why I say

Eliza with those eyes that look so dreamy
‘Liza, do they shine because they see me
You won’t say yes, you won’t say no
You keep me guessing so, Eliza
What’s the reason you keep teasin’ ‘Liza
Once you’re warm and then you’re freezin’
My poor heart sighs! for something that lies
And lies in Eliza’s eyes

  1. I’m blue because you won’t take me
    Still you don’t shake me so I say
    My sweet Eliza, love finds a way
    You don’t see me around mopin’
    I just keep hopin’ while I pray
    My sweet Eliza, you’ll name the day

Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: