Draggy Rag

A popular song from 1910
Words and music by Irving Berlin

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. Honey darlin’ take your time
    Don’t you hurry, baby mine
    Throw your lovin’ arms around me
    Oh! Oh! Oh! I’m feelin’ so fine
    Won’t you squeeze my hand again
    Squeeze it hard, I feel no pain
    Don’t deny me, satisfy me
    To that draggy strain

Oh! that draggy rag!
Oh! that easy drag
Don’t you hurry, honey
Or you’ll cause me pain
I want to go to heaven on an Erie train
Slide, glide, not too fast
Go slow to the last
I love my quick decision, hon’
But Oh! that draggy rag

  1. I could almost swear I see
    Two of you, and now it’s three
    I believe my mind is wand’rin’
    Oh! Oh! Oh! poor delicate me
    Honey, dear, I’m suff’rin’ so
    Get your hat and we will go
    Don’t decline, dear, take your time, dear

Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: