Do Your Duty Doctor

(Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Doctor)
A humorous song from 1909
Words by Irving Berlin
Music by Ted Snyder

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. Liza Green felt awf’ly sick
    Sent out for the doctor quick
    The doctor called around, these words to say
    “You’re suff’ring from a love attack
    And if you want to bring health back
    A loving man must love you every day”
    Then he turned to say goodbye
    Just to hear Eliza cry:

Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Doctor (oh, doctor)
Won’t you kindly hear my plea? (oh, doctor)
I know, you know, doctor (oh, doctor)
Exactly what is best for me (oh, doctor)
Hear me sigh, hear me cry
Surely you ain’t gonna let me die
For if some love will make me gain
Do your duty doctor, cure my pain

  1. Doctor said, “I can’t decline
    Curing patients is my line”
    Then started lovin’ Liza good and strong
    Soon she was feeling well once more
    The doctor then looked t’ward the door
    And said, “I guess I’d best be getting along”
    But Eliza hollered quick
    “Oh, I fear I’m getting sick”