Do You Love Me? (1925)

(I Wonder)
From “Garrick Gaieties”, 1925
Words by Lorenz Hart
Music by Richard Rodgers

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. Melancholy weary
    Haunted by a query
    If he loves me or he loves me not
    Won’t you give an answer
    To this poor romancer
    Or my fate will be I don’t know what
    I love you so, you ought to show
    The way you feel if it be “yes or no”

Do you love me I wonder, I wonder
I wonder can it be true
My poor heart’s all a-sunder, a-sunder
It’s under spells cast by you
Will you answer me clearly, sincerely
Or merely banter with me?
Do you love me I wonder, I wonder
I wonder if it an be

  1. Queries without number
    Enter in my slumber
    Won’t you answer to my mute appeal
    I repeat the question
    But there’s no suggestion
    In my dreams to tell me how you feel
    I love you so, you ought to show
    Your heart to me if it be “yes or no”