Death in the Flames

(A Terrible World’s Fair Calamity)
A tragic song from 1893
Words by Arthur J. Lamb
Arranged by Otto Mueller

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by Denese Coulbeck:


  1. The summer sky shone soft and blue
    And perfect was the golden noon
    And throngs who only pleasure knew
    In building, garden or lagoon
    Dreamt not what was to happen soon
    But hark, a sudden cry of “fire!”
    That smolders in the storage tower
    And quick are firemen climbing higher
    To battle with the awful power
    In future time to shine sublime
    With every gallant heroe’s name
    In every record of their fame
  2. An anxious crowd beholds the scene
    And watches them with bated breath
    And smoke that doth the vision screen
    Bespeaks the presence there of death
    Bespeaks the presence there of death
    The tower is reached, when suddenly
    A cry of horror rends the air
    For only flames the men can see
    And fire surrounds them everywhere
    In future time to shine sublime
    With every gallant heroe’s name
    In every record of their fame
  3. And fiercer yet the flames leap on
    And higher still they leap and dash
    One moment more, a wall is gone
    And downward thuds with awful crash
    But where the firemen brave and rash
    Some leaping to the depths below
    Whilst others vainly call for aid
    Yet, still in facing death, to know
    A courage not by death dismayed
    In future time to shine sublime
    With every gallant heroe’s name
    In every record of their fame
  4. And redder, redder, glows the sky
    And still destruction lingers there
    The shrieks of those who suffering die
    Sad rend the tranquil summer air
    And hearts go forth in silent prayer
    Too late, too late, the crumbling walls
    Crash with the bodies of the brave
    With every shock a fireman falls
    And every moment marks a grave
    In future time to shine sublime
    With every gallant heroe’s name
    In every record of their fame
  5. But let us draw the curtain here
    And saddened bow the humble head
    And honor them who knew not fear
    But sought to challenge fear instead
    And won a monument when dead
    A monument that to the age
    Shall long survive the passing flame
    And still to give to history’s page
    The heroism born with fame
    In future time to shine sublime
    With every gallant heroe’s name
    In every record of their fame

Sung here by Vancha March: