A 1925 KKK song. The tune is from the familiar hymn, “The Church in the Wildwood.” Attributed to William S. Pitts. [DISCLAIMER: Sheet Music Singer has no affiliation with the KKK and does not endorse the views expressed here. This song is presented for historical purposes only.]
The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:
1. There’s a cross that is burning in the wildwood
It’s beauty reflects on the skies
At it’s base you will find thousands kneeling
Praying that it’s meaning never dies
Oh, come, come, come, come
Come to the cross in the wildwood (Oh come)
And learn of its meaning so true (Come oh come)
You will carry away in your bosom
The great beauty that’s pure as the dew
2. For the cross that is burning in the wildwood
Each Klansman has sworn to be true
He has pledged to uphold the Old Glory
Not to down the Cath’lic and the Jew
3. By the cross that is burning in the wildwood
Each Klansman will guard brave and true
They will carry their Emblem to vic’try
For the dear old Red, White, and Blue
Sung here by Fred Feild: