(Mamma’s Sorrow Song)
A popular song from 1923
Words and music by Spencer Williams
The sheet music:
Accompaniment by Denese Coulbeck:
Look at me, look at me
And you’ll see a gal
With a heart bowed down with woe
Because I’m all alone
Far from my Southern home
Dixie Dan, dat’s de man
Took me from de land of cotton
To de cold, cold minded North
Den threw me down, skipped dis town
And I ain’t never seen him henceforth
Jus’ cause I trusted, I’m broke and disgusted
I got de Cotton Belt Blues
Dat man has left me in an awful hole
I say he left me in a low down hole
De day I catch him
Mama’s gonna ruin his soul
Can’t you see what a nasty muddle I’m in
Can’t you see what a muddle Mama’s in
When my shoes wear out
I’ll be on my feet again
If I knew jus’ where dat rapscallion went
If I knew jus’ where dat rapscallion went
I’d find de sheriff
Put de bloodhounds on his scent
Dat trifling man was jus’ a pleasure hound
Dat trifling man was jus’ a pleasure hound
When dey mess with me
Mama kicks their dog-house down
Dat Cotton Belt is callin’ me right now
Dat Cotton Belt is callin’ me right now
I’ll ride de rods
And get myself back home somehow