Cora Dean

A popular song from 1860
Words and music by Stephen Foster

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by Werner Tomaschewski:


  1. Near the broad Atlantic waters
    Roaming the woodlands green
    ’Mid Long Islands lovely daughters
    Fairest of all was Cora Dean
    Soft her voice as liquid measure
    Heard when the streamlets move
    While her eyes of tender azure
    Glowed with the winning beams of love

Cora Dean has left the summer roses
Blooming o’er the lea
While her fair and gentle form reposes
Down by the calm blue sea

  1. Cora Dean was formed for loving
    Cheering the hearts of all
    None could sigh where she was moving
    Birds tuned their carols to her call
    Fields grew fairer at her coming
    Flowers a more joyful throng
    Skies were bright where she was roaming
    Streams danced the lighter to her song
  2. Eyes bedimned with tears are streaming
    Round her deserted home
    Silent stars are nightly beaming
    Lending a sadness to the gloom
    While the winds of summer dying
    Borne from the deep dark wave
    O’er the land in dirges sighing
    Murmur with sorrow round her grave