Mailing address:
Fred Feild
178 Rainbow Drive #7878
Livingston, TX 77399
Mail us your thoughts. Mail us some sheet music. Mail us a check. Mail us a gift. We would love to hear from you. Thanks!
Bringing vintage songs back to life
Mailing address:
Fred Feild
178 Rainbow Drive #7878
Livingston, TX 77399
Mail us your thoughts. Mail us some sheet music. Mail us a check. Mail us a gift. We would love to hear from you. Thanks!
Hi Fred,
Could you please do a video for A Lot Of Livin’ To Do (1960)?
Hi Fred
I’d love to hear a full vocal of LITTLE OLD NEW YORK (1923) on the YT channel.
Hi! This is such a wonderful site and resource! I happened to be looking at “There once was an owl” and the version that is used in the video/recording was not posted. I was curious if there was any way I could get that music?
Look again at the song page. I found a piano solo for There Once Was an Owl.
The song version is no longer available online.
Hello, I have sheet music for a song called “There’s Too Many Eyes That Wanna Make Eyes at Two Pretty Eyes I Love”, An underrated rare song from 1929. Written Words and music by Benny Davis, J. Fred Coots, and Steve Nelson.
1. My Heart’s burning up with jealousy,
Tell me what you’d do if you were me,
I’m so in love,
Heavens above,
I need your symphony.
There’s too many eyes that wanna make eyes
At two pretty eyes I love
There’s too many lips just longing to kiss
Two sugary lips that mean oceans of bliss
There’s too many hands that wanna hold hands
With my little lovey dove
There’s too many eyes that wanna make eyes
At two pretty eyes I love
2. Don’t know what to do or what to say,
I just feel like I could pass away,
can’t eat a bite,
don’t sleep at night,
It’s getting worse each day.
There’s too many eyes that wanna make eyes
At two pretty eyes I love
There’s too many lips just longing to kiss
Two sugary lips that mean oceans of bliss
There’s too many hands that wanna hold hands
With my little lovey dove
There’s too many eyes that wanna make eyes
At two pretty eyes I love
There’s Love.
The picture quality is kind of off, but I tried the best I can to make it readable enough and if you could post it to YouTube, it would warm my heart, and here’s a link for the sheet music images.
Thank you. I’ll see what I can do. Any way you can make it clearer? Public libraries have decent scanners that are free to use. or university library
Hello, I’ve look more into this song under those two ways, and I can’t find it on there, but regarding the images for the sheet music, I took pictures of it again, and hopefully it’s clearer to read.
Sorry about that.
Still grainy. Please get a clearer scan. I replaced the old one with this new one on the website.
Thanks, Fred
Hello, again.
I just sent pictures of the sheet music to your email, so maybe it won’t be grainy there.
bear with me, I’m doing my best to get better outputs for the sheet music.
Hello, this will probably be my final message to you, and don’t look at that other post that I sent you, for your mail, due to me finally getting the best looks for the sheet music here.
Thank you for your patience.
here is the final link to the sheet music to look at, and to hopefully play it on YouTube.
There are free scanner apps for cell phones. Most can scan in black & white or color. They’ll also fix skewed images, sometimes automatically. A bonus is that they can often fix irregular lighting on a page. Start with YouTube videos to see how they work. Then look for free scanners for your phone type. iPhone has a built-in scanner using the Notes app; perhaps the other cell phone formats do as well. Good luck.
(Final post).
Thanks, for the consideration, and comment, so I took pictures of it on final time, and it looks clearer than the previous one that I took, and it actually looks playable now.
But I need clarification from Fred to see where I need to go from here. Fifth’s time the charm for my luck here.
Hi Fred!
I’ve been a big fan of you, and this website for many years.
I’d love if you could do some of these songs, listed below.
Here’s the sheet music for them:
Katy-Did, Katy-Didn’t (1941)
We’re the Couple in the Castle (1941)
He Goes to Church on Sunday (1907)
I’m All Dressed Up But No Place to Go (1913)
In The Heart of a City That Has No Heart (1913)
The Little Ford Rambled Right Along (1914)
On the 5:15 (1914)
When Tony Goes Over the Top (1918)
Many thanks!
Hi, I just discovered a connection between songs : The Bird On Nellie’s Hat has the same tune as the older tune The Two Obadiahs! Just saying I think it’s interesting.
Don’t Sit Under the Apple Tree’s tune seems based on “Long Long Ago” from 1833!
Leaving a note to let you know I was here!
Enjoyed my visit…. continued blessings!
Steve Zuwala
Counry Music Artist
Hello! Do you think you could record “When The Berry Blossoms Bloom” by Joe Penner and Hal Raynor? The sheet music seems to have only ever been printed in a promotional comic book, which is available here:
Yes. We have a song page with a midi now. Look here:
Thanks, I really appreciate it! Do you think you could do “Old King Tut Was A Wise Old Nut”? It’s mentioned in a lot of articles about the Egypt-Mania of the 1920s, but there aren’t any recordings of it online. The sheet music is available here:
Yes. Have started a song page here:
Nicely done! Sorry I’m asking for so much, but I’d really appreciate it if you did “Bolshevik” by Moe Jaffe and Nat Bonx? The sheet music is, for some reason, available on Google Books:
Hello! I would like to know if you have the sheet music for “With a Smile and a Song” and “Snow White” from the movie Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs? Thanks!
No, don’t have. If you can, send.
Hi Fred,
Wanted to thank you for this wonderful site. I’m 74 and have been sort of an amateur musician most of my life. Got interested in the “old tunes” years ago. Is especially interesting to see the copies of the original sheet music.
Again, many thanks,
Dave Peck, Berkeley, CA
Sounds good. Let’s talk
I love your videos on YouTube. Thank you for all you do. I know you get lots of requests, but I can’t help but hear your voice when I look at the sheet music for “Os-Ka-Loo-Sa-Loo (Indian Love Song)” by Henry Sawyer. If you could record that, it would be awesome.
Here’s the music:
I’m trying to find a song I sung a long time ago. All I remember is that it’s in B minor, and a few of the lyrics are: …….until I see your footsteps…….across the snow. Could write some of the tune, but no idea how to do that online, sorry! Anyone any clues for me?
Thanks very much.
“A long time ago,” is far different for different people. Could you pin the year down a bit? 1800s?, 1974? 1935? Several songs came up on a quick lyric search But getting at least a decade would help.
I have a sheet music addition request. It is called “Whar De Watermelon Grow” it is a 1898 George Primrose minstrel show song that has no sung version available online. You can add it to “African-American songs” and also, add a warning because it’s racist.
Dear Fred,
I just found your amazing site. I’m the Research Officer for the Stockton Historical Society in Australia. We are a very small society and in our holdings include music written by local man, Albert Tams. He wrote and published 6 songs, we hold 3 sets of sheet music and the other three are held and digitised by other institutions. Albert had written all these songs by the time he was 28 but he enlisted in the Australian Army and was killed in 1918. We would very much like to get the songs recorded but no one associated with the society has the ability to play the music. Is there a process for nominating to get these songs recorded?
Where the Wattle Blossoms Grow –
In the ranks of the firing line –
Love-Knots –
On the promenade –
Where the Hunter River flows –
Thanks, Michelle
I can at least get you the music notes to hear. Maybe sing, too. Wouldn’t it be lovely to have an Australian singer.
Hi, I am Boundless Vintage Music Channel from Hong Kong. I am obsessed and mesmerized by traditional songs which are a huge cultural heritage , but most of the time I just listen to instrumental version. It is just lately I come back to listen vocal stuffs again. Your channel contains so many great songs to listen to!
I have made some song suggestions in my comments, but seems they are filtered because I posted a link which was treated as spam
I would post my suggestions here. Would be glad if you consider them.
Roll on Silver Moon (folk origin, 1841)
A poignant folk song of England origin lover’s death, both melody and lyrics got a melancholy feel.
I’ll Take You Home Again Kathleen (1875) (rais
This once I believe you’ll be familiar with, since it was one on Stephen-Foster-Songs-de ‘s folk collection. Though writer has no Irish background, he uses Irish name Kathleen which proved successful in arousing homesickness among Irish emigrant to America.
Low Bridge Everybody down (1913) (The Erie Canal Song)
A famous song, about the Erie Canal. From this song I then learned about the Erie Canal, which is of great historic importance. It also became a folk song covered by many folk singers.
Boundless Vintage Music Channel
Hello, I received your requests. Thank you. Will be covering these in the future. Fred
Thank you for accepting my suggestions.
I have also made my transcription for the Wreck on the Southern Old 97 (aka Wreck of the Old 97) (1924). You can cover this song later. The sheet music is readily available on IMSLP. The MIDI can be founded on
(I see Mr. Pitt-Payne is doing a great job in transcribing songs around 1900-40, I wonder he has already done this?)
But anyway, the above site stores MIDI transcription for other songs, esp. those not covered by Benjamin Tubb yet. I wish to contribute these MIDIs for your great project. You can use my transcription MIDI freely.)
Come join:
Hi Fred, I loved your cover of “Make Believe”. I was wondering if you’d be interested in letting me use your cover for my short film?
Thanks for all the great work!
Yes. You may use any of our items. No copyright. No charge. No restrictions.
Hello Fred. Thank you so much for this resource! We have already used two MIDI files for our YouTube channel, “Songs by Tom and Betty.” Betty has a Master of Music degree in vocal performance and I rewrite the lyrics to be humorous and entertaining to a modern audience. Check out our most recent post, “Pizza Night,” inspired by “Sweet Adeline.”
Hello! Is it possible to request something with accompaniment that I already created? (or maybe Vancha can sing it instead or what)
Yes. Please send to
I sent you an email already.
Hi Fred, I sent you a message with regards to your recording of Listen To The Mockingbird.
Please let me know if we can connect to discuss.
Please send message to
Hi Fred. Im a piano player that love early music and I love what you do!

Thanks a lot
I see on your YouTube feed, you have “The Band Played On.” It doesn’t seem to be on your site, though. I thought you might like to know.
Hello once again! I found a song with 2 versions of it for piano/solo voice. Maybe you could do it because I am curious on their differences.
Song name: “Thou art gone from my gaze”-George Linley
here are the links:
I believe this is the original version but no date is cited here:
the arrangement by F.D. Baker in 1852 :
Thank you. Added to the system.
you seemed to upload other videos first. Maybe you’re just busy or you forgot or it took to much time to set up the MIDI?
yes, awfully busy. so many songs to look through. vancha is the one singing now
Hello once again! Do the original version instead if that’s too much work. I have found a MIDI video with the F. D. baker arrangement but not the original one.
Request please
“Frankie and Johnny” (1912)
Hey Fred! I have found songs from a musical called Just Because. It is hard to find a recording of a part from the musical or a song from the musical. It’s also closed.
But there is sheet music from the musical. Here are the songs I found and am requesting:
On, those jazzing toes
Day dream bay
Just because!
I’ll name my dolly for you
Love just simply love
they can be found in the Library of Congress
Okay. Good work! I found them and have added them into the pipeline. Will sing them soon. Thank you.
Hi Fred,
I was wondering if you might be able to do a song from the 1890s called “Molly and I and the Baby” by Harry Kennedy. (Not to be confused with “Molly and the Baby” which is a different song.) I have never been able to find a recording of it being performed anywhere online, but I have found sheet music and lyrics for it.
My grandmother just told me about a song that HER mother used to sing to her when she was a girl. she couldn’t remember the tune or much of the lyrics, only the chorus, which went “Off Again, On Again, Gone Again, Finnegan.”
I managed to track down sheet music for the song (linked below), but I can’t find a live performance of it anywhere.
Is this something you’d be interested in recording? Please let me know either way.
Sam M.
Thanks, Sam. I’ll look into it.
Hey, just checking in. I made the above request a couple months back & I was wondering what its’ status was. I realize you’re a busy man, so I’m just sending you this note as a reminder. My Grandmother and I would both love to hear it played again after so many years.
Thanks so much.
Stay safe!
Sam M.
Yes. I found the sheet music for “Off Again, On Again, Gone Again Finnegan”
I’ll record it soon. Fred
I recommend doing more George M. Cohan songs. Here’s some: , , ,
Do you know what song is being played here?
When I watched this movie with my Grandmother, she remembered this part of the soundtrack as being from a square dance song, with the lyrics
“Hurrah! Hurrah! We’re going the right way!/
Hurrah! Hurrah! We’re going the wrong way now!”
However, I wasn’t able to find those lyrics when I searched online.
This seems like it would be right up your alley. Think you could help me out?
Thank you for your consideration.
Sincerely, Sam M
That song is called “Marching Through Georgia” written by Henry Clay Work in 1865. Learn more about it here:
Sheet Music Singer recorded it too:
Check this out! Fiddle led me to square dance. Square dance led me to sheet music. Here’s me calling this traditional square dance.
I just spoke some more with my Grandmother. The full verse (as she remembers it) goes:
“Hurrah! Hurrah! We’re going the wrong way!/
Hurrah! Hurrah! We’re going the wrong way now!/
Everybody do-si-do/
And promenade the hall/
As we go marching through Georgia./
Hurrah! Hurrah! We’re going the right way!/
Hurrah! Hurrah! We’re going the right way now!/
Everybody do-si-do/
And promenade the hall/
As we go marching through Georgia./”
So apparently, the actual tune is “Marching through Georgia,” but sung with a different set of lyrics to make it easier to dance to.
My Grandmother was born in Mount Jewett, Pa. in 1933, & her mind is still sharp as a tack. I’m sure she danced to these lyrics when she was younger.
I hope you enjoyed this little story as much as I did learning about it.
Best regards,
Sam M.
Hi Fred,
I have some more sheet music, most of which involved the talents of L. Wolfe Gilbert.
I’m On A Diet Of Love (1930) and Mona (1929)
On the Riviera (1921)
Shades of Night (1916)
Mammy Jinny’s Jubilee (1913)
How’s Your Little Maltese Cat (1913)
Richard The Third (1913)
I Had A Gal, I Had A Pal (1914)
Camp Meeting Band (1914)
Is Anybody Looking For A Widow? (1908)
Where Is My Meyer? (1927)
O, Katharina! (1924)
She’s Dancing Her Heart Away (1914)
Mammy’s Shufflin’ Dance (1911)
Ragging The Baby To Sleep (1912)
Only Just Suppose (1922)
Tell Me To-Night (1926)
Tango of Roses (1952)
Hope to see all this made into videos in the future!
The Spelling Bee (1875) by Septimus Winner
This song has an interesting history. You might recognize it from The Three Stooges:
Hello, you are awesome! keep going!
Hi Fred,
I have some sheet music with the talents of the late, great Albert Von Tilzer (1878–1956).
That College Rag (1911)
Oh! That Moonlight Glide (1910)
Down Where The Swanee River Flows (1916)
Flippitty Flop (And Away She Goes) (1910)
I’m Going Back To Old Virginia (1912)
When The Autumn Leaves Begin To Fall (1920)
My Gee Gee From The Fiji Isles (1920)
Love Has Come Into My Heart (1922)
I’ll Be With You In Apple Blossom Time (1920)
You Never Can Tell (1920)
Dinah From Carolina (1909)
Why Doesn’t Santa Claus Go Next Door? (1908)
Just Keep On Smiling (1922)
Heart Of My Heart (1907)
That Hypnotizing Man (1911)
I Used To Love You But It’s All Over Now (1920)
I Want Someone To Flirt With Me (1910)
You Will Have To Sing An Irish Song (1908)
Insanity (1907)
Take Me Up With You Dearie (1909)
The Song That Reaches Irish Hearts (1911)
Carrie (1909)
I’m Wonderin’ Who (1927)
What Kind Of An American Are You? (1917)
Back To The Bleachers For Mine (1910)
My Orchard Is Short Of A Peach Like You (1913)
The Story The Picture Blocks Told (1908)
When You Think There’s No One Looking (1909)
Because I’m In Love With You (1911)
It’s Too Late Now (1914)
Oh! Baby What A Night (1929)
The Twinkle In Your Eye (1922)
Just Cross The River From Queens (1927)
Dixie’s Favorite Son (1924)
To Any Girl (1917)
Where The Ganges Flows (1923)
You And I, Love You And Me (1927)
Do What Your Mother Did (1916)
I’m Going Back To Kentucky Sue (1912)
Put On Your Slippers And Fill Up Your Pipe (1916)
The Honolulu Hicki-Boola-Boo (1916)
Please Don’t Take My Lovin’ Man Away (1912)
When The Sun Goes Down In Dixie (1917)
Nora Malone (1909)
That’s My Personality (1912)
Parisienne (1912)
Hold Me Just A Little Closer (1911)
I’m Glad I’m Married (1908)
Hopefully, there aren’t any duplicates here.
Thanks for posting all this down the line!
Hey there Fred,
I have more sheet music for you.
When the Doughboy Returns to Broadway (1919)
Hoop-Dee-Doo (1950)
Don’t Cry, Little Girl, Don’t Cry (1918)
Olcott’s Fly Song (1897)
Fly Roun’ Young Ladies (1925)
Don’t Argify (1907)
We Fly With Uncle Sam (1941)
Don’t Knock the Rock (1957)
I Wake Up Smiling (1933)
Don’t Mess With Me (1923)
On a final note, Fly Roun’ Young Ladies has 74 pages due to there being more songs tucked away inside. Just thought I’d mention it.
Thanks for your time!
Hi Fred,
I have a few more sheet music for you!
Hang Your Hat In Detroit (1910)
A Little Nightie Hanging On The Line (1926)
The Thing (1950)
Bartender Polka (1940)
Hope to see this done as well.
Hi Fred,
I have some more sheet music for you, all of which have the involvement of the late, great Edgar Leslie (1885-1976).
That Fascinating Rag Time Glide (1910)
Perhaps You’ll Think Of Me (1926)
I’m On My Way To Dreamland (1925)
Out Of A Million, You’re The Only One (1924)
I’ll Take Her Back If She Wants To Come Back (1924)
Tell Her I Love Her On The Radio (1924)
Since Maggie Dooley Learned The Hooley Hooley (1916)
Lord! Have Mercy On A Married Man (1911)
Hope to see all this done soon!
Hi Fred,
I have some more sheet music for you.
I Got You Steve (1912)
I Was Never Meant For You (1912)
They’ll All Be Waiting For You At The Train (1908)
When A Boy Says “Will You” And A Girl Says “Yes” (1908)
Drinking Song (1924)
I’m In Love With You (1925)
Modest Mazie (1910)
Just A Little Drink (1925)
Hope to hear from you again soon.
Hey Fred,
Sorry if I haven’t been active for a while, but I have more songs for you:
When Johnny Canuck Comes Home (1900)
Gee! What a Wonderful Time We’ll Have When the Boys Come Home (1917)
Forward Canada (1914)
Hope to hear from you about these tunes in the future!
Your pal,
Hi Fred,
I have some more songs for you to consider:
You’ll Never Miss the Water Till the Well Runs Dry (1908)
School Day Sweethearts (1923)
Gypsy Wildflower (1929)
All the World’s Proud of England Now (1941)
Wings In The Dawning (1940)
It’s V for Victory (1941)
I hope to hear from you again soon!
Hi Fred,
I’ve found some more songs, the majority of which are from the Library of Congress and the York Space Institutional Repository.
Good Bye Sweetheart, Good Bye (1863)
Goodbye Sweetheart Goodbye (1906)
Don’t Be So Angry (1907)
Stonewall Wilson (1916)
When Harrison Heard The Bugle’s Call (1892)
Have You Seen My Henry Brown? (1905)
Good Evening, Caroline (1908)
Carrie (1909)
If I Only Had A Leming Pie (1909)
Mary Blaine (1884)
How Do You Do Miss Josephine (1909)
Bl-nd and P-g Spells Blind Pig (1908)
Take Me Up With You Dearie (1909)
Triplicity, or The Donkey, Moose or Elephant (1912)
Whispering Lilies (1921)
Sandman (1923)
Somebody’s Lonely (1926)
As I View These Scenes So Charming (1850)
Sail On! (1918)
Upward (1911)
Boy In Blue (1912)
Hush-a-bye, Ma Baby (1916)
Canada: Dear Land O’Mine (1936)
Goodbye Dear, I’ll Be Back In A Year (1940)
You’re The Most Wonderful Girl (1914)
The Flower Garden Ball (1913)
Father of the Land We Love (1931)
Thanks for your consideration and I hope to hear back soon!
Hi Fred,
Here are some more songs to make into videos.
Suke of Tennessee (1848)
Swinging Around the Circle (1866)
Sylvia (1914)
Felix the Cat (1928)
And here are some links to new songs from the York Space Institutional Repository:
That Heart of Gold (1922)
In the Garden of My Heart (1908)
If All My Dreams Were Made of Gold I’d Buy the World For You (1911)
I Got A “Code” in My “Doze” (1929)
The Hoodoo Man (1924)
To The Stars! (1940)
Carry On! (1928)
Carry On! (1940)
A Hot Time In Monkey Town (1911)
Santa Claus is Coming! (1913)
I Want One Like Pa Had Yesterday (1912)
On Long Island Sound (1912)
I’m Goin’ Back To Oklahoma (1912)
Put Your Arms Around Me, Honey (1937)
Why Do You Leave Me Lonesome? (1937)
Blue Mountain Mill (aka “What Is Life?”) (1937)
I’m Going Back To Tennessee (1911)
Yo Te Amo Means I Love You (1928)
Good-Night, Ladies (1911)
When the Moon Swings Low (1910)
On Mobile Bay (1910)
If The Garden Of Roses Should Change To Thorns (1911)
Paradise Blues (1916)
Driving Home The Cows From Pasture (1911)
Wait Till the Cows Come Home (1917)
I hope you can do all these songs soon, and I hope the system never crashes again!
Hey Fred,
I hope you’re not too busy and doing well for yourself.
I also have another list of songs that I hope to see as videos someday, and I must warn you as this is quite a big one:
Peter Piper (1919)
Sink All Your Ships in the Ocean Blue (1921)
Show Me Around and Around (1911)
Pig-Skin Peters (1927)
Dr. Osler Offsky Bing (1910)
Tic! Tac! Toc! Went My Father’s Clock (1900)
They’re Wearing ‘Em Higher in Hawaii (1916)
Thine Alone (1917)
Till the Sands of the Desert Grow Cold (1911)
Those Enchanting Eyes (1929)
Those Since-I-Met-You Days (1919)
Tired Hands (1926)
‘Op in me ‘ansom (1904)
‘Tis the Day (1904)
A Page’s Road Song (1920)
A Soldier in de Colored Brigade (1863)
A Little Thing Like a Kiss (1913)
It’s a Small World After All (1919)
It’s Tulip Time in Holland (1915)
Mad House Rag (1911)
March of the Ku Klux Klan (1923)
Hats Off to the Stoker (1917)
Send in the Clowns (1973)
Hang Out the Front-Door Key! (1908)
I’ve Heard That Song Before (1942)
If I Didn’t Care (1939)
Cry (1951)
Put Your Shoes On, Lucy (1947)
Memories Are Made Of This (1955)
True Love (1956)
Rolleo Rolling Along (1942)
Nevertheless I’m In Love With You (1931)
Wing Lee’s Ragtime Clock (1899)
The Cat’s Whiskers (1923)
The Bum Song (1928)
It’s A Lovely Day Tomorrow (1940)
On Treasure Island (1935)
I did say it’d be a big one, didn’t I? Anyway, there’s no rush, you just take your time and do whatever one you fancy.
I also hope this doesn’t suspend the account this time…
Thanks for your patience and hard work!
Hello Fred,
I have got some pdfs for more songs.
Dr. Osler Offsky Bing (1910):
Pig-Skin Peters (1927):
The Story Your Kisses Told (1924):
My Zulu Prince (1899):
That Wasn’t All (1908):
Wrong Again (1908):
Hang Out the Front-Door Key! (1908):
Tic! Tac! Toc!, Went My Father’s Clock (1900):
The Alarm Clock Rag (1919):
The Promise (1933):
I hope you can do all this whenever you can.
Thank you so much!
Howdy Fred,
I was wondering if you could make these songs into videos sometime soon:
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (1914)
In the Little Town Across From Jersey City (1909)
In My Picture Puzzle of Tennessee (1933)
Andy Gump (1923)
Mairzy Doats (1943)
Buy a Bond for Liberty (1918)
But Think Of The Fun We Had (1933)
Good bye, Miss Liberty (1909)
You just take your time and let me know when you’re done.
Thank you!
Hey Fred,
I have the entirety of “Hurrah For The Wonder Bakers!” (1929) right here:
As well as the site it came from:
Hope to see a midi and video soon!
Hi Fred,
Here is a pdf for Quintuplets’ Lullaby (1935):
And the pdf’s site:
Hope to see a midi sometime!
Hi Fred,
I have found a pdf for Moonlight in Jungleland (1909):
And here’s the site for said pdf:
Hope you can do a midi for it someday!
Okay. Moonlight in Jungleland (1909). I’ve added it to the list. Thank you so much. You are helping make the channel even better.
This is the song called “Ten Thousand Miles Away”
Stephen, is there anyway you can make Ten Thousand Miles Away into a pdf?
Hi Fred,
In response to your email
“in response to Stephen: This is the song called “Ten Thousand Miles Away”
Stephen, is there anyway you can make Ten Thousand Miles Away into a pdf?’
If Stephen can’t, I would be happy to do it for you.
Bev, please do. Send pdf to
You can convert them into pdf.
I think this site maybe a good one, just try. If not, let me know.
Foe the Hungarian anthem, this is the inly sheet music I have found which is writted in 1844:
There are some more vintage national anthem sheets:
Australian anthem (1901): and
Austrian anthem (1947):
Brazilian anthem (1922):, and
British anthem (1845):
Canadian anthem (French version; 1880): and
Costa Rican anthem (1852):úsica_del_Himno_Nacional_de_Costa_Rica_1.jpg andúsica_del_Himno_Nacional_de_Costa_Rica_2.jpg
Cuban anthem (1868):
Danish anthem (1929):
Dutch anthem (1626):
Estonian anthem (1920):
French anthem (1794):’armée_du_Rhin_(Bignon,_Paris,_1792).djvu&page=2
German anthem (1896):
East German anthem:,_sheet_music.jpg
Greek anrhem (1927):
Hungarian anthem (1861; cannot find the music sheet for this but you can acutally know what the anthem sounds like):ölcsey_Ferenc_Hymnus_1861.jpg
Indian anthem (1950):
Indonesian anthem (1928; full lyrics are available):
Irish anthem (1916):
Italian anthem (1920s or 1930s):
Japanese anthem (1893):
Maltese anthem (1942):
Mexican anthem:, and
Polish anthem (1927):
New Zealander anthem (1879):
Portugese anthem (1990):,ágina_1.jpg andágina_2.jpg
Soviet/Russian anthem (1944):Гимн_Советского_Союза_-_1944.jpg
Thai anthem (1933):,, and
Also, I also found these songs (please note one of the songs has some very controversial lyrics):
I forgot the firdt part of the sheet music of the Mexican anthem:
I have a song request. It’s “Dirty Hands! Dirty Face!” famously sung by Al Jolson.
Grant, I found the sheet music and midi.
You can see this song title in the list. This one is ready to be sung.
This sheet was publish when Alfonso XIII was still in power. This is the lyrics at the time of when it was published:
Gloria, gloria, corona de la Patria,
soberana luz
que es oro en tu Pendón.
Vida, vida, futuro de la Patria,
que en tus ojos es
abierto corazón…!
Púrpura y oro: bandera inmortal;
en tus colores, juntas, carne y alma están.
Púrpura y oro: querer y lograr;
Tú eres, bandera, el signo del humano afán.
Gloria, gloria, corona de la Patria,
soberana luz
que es oro en tu Pendón.
Púrpura y oro: bandera inmortal;
en tus colores, juntas, carne y alma están.
¡Pide, España! ¡Tu nombre llevaremos
donde quieras tú;
que honrarlo es nuestra ley!
¡Manda, España, y unidos lucharemos,
porque vivas tú,
sin tregua pueblo y rey!
Una bandera gloriosa nos das;
¡nadie, viviendo, España, nos la arrancará!
Para que, un día, nos pueda cubrir,
¡danos, España, el gozo de morir por ti!
¡Viva España! Del grito de la Patria,
la explosión triunfal
abrió camino al sol;
¡Viva España! repiten veinte pueblos
y al hablar dan fe
del ánimo español…
¡Marquen arado martillo y clarín
su noble ritmo al grito de la Patria fe!
¡Guíe la mente a la mano hasta el fin,
al “Viva España” asista toda España en pie!
I was wondering if you could make a video for Hiawatha’s Melody of Love (1920). Thanks for your time!
This is a old sheet music of O Canada from 1908
Thank you. I’ve added “O Canada” to my system. It will get a midi tomorrow. Fred
Was interested in hearing this song. “You Don’t Know How Much You Have To Know” from 1909.
You do great work and keep a fantastic collection and archive.
I found the sheet music, got the midi made, and the vocal should be recorded soon. Look for this song. Thanks
I want to say thank you for preserving the history of music. I found your YouTube channel, because I was curious about the “Aunt Jemimia” song. I
Also, when I was a girl, I used to enjoy browsing the books and music sheets at a large antique store. I really don’t know much about music, but I often wondered what the songs might have sounded like. I thank you for making that a reality for me. There is so much history and culture found in music. Thank you for making that come “alive” for me.
Did you make your Jim Crow video unavailable in response to the George Floyd protests, and could you please find a way to make it viewable again? Because the way I see it, it’s like you’re trying to pretend that it never existed. True, the last two verses do contain the “N” word and would never pass muster in these times, but we as people should be given the chance to recognize that the song is a product of its own time. Thank you for your civil understanding.
Yes. We felt that the negative comments might endanger the channel. Made it private for a month. You can still get to the Jim Crow video here:
Do you accept donations regarding sheet music?
Hello Nicholas, I find more sheet music than I can use online. Do you have a way to scan your music into pdfs? More likely that I could use some of those newer than 1924. Fred
Such wonderful work…. I hope you are still doing this…. I would like to use one of your recordings in an art piece that I am making… Is this is problem? Thanks.
No problem, please do. Fred
As a ukulele player, please may you re-photo copy the sheet music for “Bagdad” for me as the chords are not viable for me to play. Thanks love your channel and videos, keep it up buddy.
Hello Fred
I thought that I would try one last time as my last 5 messages to you have gone un-replied
I am trying to get a piece of actual singing of “ My Best Girl’s A New Yorker”
I guess that you are really busy and have lots of requests
I have been a fan of your site for quite some time now but I do not seem to be able to get an acknowledgement at all that you have received my requests
So, one last time !
I cannot thank you enough for this wonderful resource. I’m a classically trained singer and specialize in performing early 20th century popular music at historic sites and house museums. Many of these venues don’t have pianos, so I have to seek out recorded accompaniment. Finding your backing tracks is a game changer.
Although I collect antique sheet music myself, I’ve learned about so many new songs through your site that I never would have heard about otherwise.
Keep up the great work!
The song is “Thine Alone,” not, “Mine Alone,” — problem: the use of “….you will e’er be true…” makes no sense with “Thine.” Therefore, we must assume a mistake has be made somewhere.
I prefer, “I will e’er be true…and forever, Thine Alone.”
I noticed that you already have glendy burk in high brown songs. Another song that I really like that I think you should sing is “I want a Doll” from 1918.
Hi there,
My name is Hugh. I have always been into history and culture and how things have changed over time. Music is one thing I especially enjoy the history of because all of my life my family have owned an old 1920s Sonora Cabinet Phonograph with old 78s. Listening to sheet music, much of which predates the phonograph era, is something that is really fun and enjoyable. Hearing what music was like back then is fascinating. One composer I enjoy is Stephen Foster. One song that I would request which you don’t have yet is “Glendy Burke”. This is a great song and would go well with your collection.
Hi Fred,
Just discovered your site. An excellent resource. I sing old folk songs from the Orange tradition in Ireland, many of which have not been heard in years. I’ve have posted some of these on YouTube.
They wouldn’t be appropriate for your collection, as I accompany myself on ukulele or banjo, not piano, and don’t stick rigidly to the sheet music.
Are you aware of any other site or archive that would have an interest in such material?
Best wishes,
dear sheet music singer, i admire your Passion for 20th century hits. i play ukulele, which took off in popularity during the late 20s and early 30s, i turn to your website to see late 20s songs of which contain ukulele chords. I am interested in “bag-dad” as there are ukulele chords boxes, i have a favour to ask,if on the second and third page of the sheet music (bagdad), if you could please re-scan these as the top row of chord boxes are not visible for me to play. sorry to sound rude and ungrateful , but this would relay help me out. thank you
, hello fred! I’ve just discovered your 1922 site, it was like Christmas! I was so excited, I wrote down the words to 34 songs that I didn’t have. you are the first person I’ve ever contacted about my hobby of 45 years. I collect only from 1919 to 1929, and currently have the lyrics to 7,056 songs. currently i’m at my home in Bisbee, Arizona, but my collection is at my home in rich creek, virginia.,, so I don’t have access. I won’t be there until may of 2020. I probably have lots of verses, choruses and patters, tags that you might be unaware of. I have a vast collection of sheet music and 78s, also a big Victrola and a 1907 piano! I also dance the original dances: charlleston, black bottom. tango, shimmy, one-step, foxtrot, quick step, oriental foxtrot, Spanish one-step,peabody, Baltimore, lindy hop etc. I have a want list of 120 rare songs you might be able to help me with. if you are interested, please let me know, I remain yours, Arthur brooks
my friend! tell me one thing, in the song the preacher and the bear, on the site why there is no MIDI and especially, lyrics to sing, please! tell me! because I really like your channel!
Matheus, fixed the problem. find the new Preacher and the Bear on the High Brown Songs site. It has vocal demo, midi, lyrics, and sheet music link.
Would you be able to record and upload my best girls a New Yorker from 1895 if possible
Joe, I got the notes, recorded the vocal and put it up on this site. Thanks for the suggestion!
Thank you very much
Would like to see Rebecca Came Back From Mecca (ca.1920). There are a number of modern recordings up on youtube but yours, if you do it, Will Be The Best.
Paul, I found the sheet music. I have submitted it to my midi guy, James Pitt-Payne for sequencing. Thank You
Could you possibly do a recording of little Liza loves you it was recorded by Len Spencer in 1891 but there are no versions online
Joe, I’ll see what I can do about Little Liza Loves You
You Can Do It
Fred I Have Faith In You!
I found Liza Loves You (1885) at Brown University and Library of Congress online. That looks like the one.
See I Knew You Could!
Thank you sorry for the late response
Have you considered doing I’m Going Home to Dixie by Daniel Decatur Emmett in 1861?
It would appear that no performance with the original lyrics is available on the internet.
I’ll look for it. Currently adding famous songs from the 1930s to my Greatest Songs site.
Are you able to cover a song called my dear it was recorded in 1907 by Harry macdonagh
Yes, I’ll look into it.
I know you declined to cover the Klan tunes, and that’s perfectly fine, but given the playlist is no longer available, on the off chance you change your mind or are willing to cover them but host them somewhere external to youtube here’s my email I have all of the songs saved and would gladly provide the names and find as much sheet music as I could for the songs, regardless of your choice. I appreciate all you do and wish you the best.
I thought you would like to know, it looks like you’ve misspelled the word “Caraboo” on your website. Silly mistakes can ruin your site’s credibility. In the past I’ve used a tool like to keep mistakes off my website.
-Scott Matthews Sr.
Thanks. I’ll look at SpellingScan. “Caraboo” came right off of the sheet music. It seems to mean something other than “caribou”
Today marks the centenary of the tragic, early loss of Charles Hambitzer, musician, composer, and an important musical mentor to a young George Gershwin. I tell the story of his final days and of whatever happened to his orphaned daughter. It would be great if you could share his story with your followers, if you see fit. Thanks,
Mike Morris
Fred, I sent you some sheet music (for one of the Oz plays) over e-mail, Plus I would like a word with you.
Fred, I am touching base with you, I sent you an e-mail, it was what you said earlier. It left me with some questions.
I will send you the answers for the interview this weekend
BTW, I sent you an e-mail,
Thanks for uploading the song, I will do a couple more maybe today or tomorrow, BTW, Did you get my e-mail that I sent after you uploaded the video? What did you think of my idea there? And what did you think of the song list that I had?
I just wrote all the modern songs I could think of at the moment. I’ll do songs that I know already, then I’ll do the others, I’ll do the 1903 Oz songs when you are ready for me to do them as I would have to do some things in preparation for that (reading the script and reading background info on the show to name a few), and plus you would have to get the midi files ready for me to sing with.
I have a link in case you want to upload little maid of Oz as a karaoke,
It’s the piano roll video which I recorded from.
Also, I shared the new song on my facebook, so my friends in the Oz club could see it since it’s an Oz song.
I understand. We can try maybe my cover of Firework, which I will do tomorrow or Wednesday. I tried to do the Oz song I mentioned earlier (from 1905, My Little Maid of Oz), I can’t send it through google drive, any suggestion of how I could send it to you?
But then I remember how you uploaded some post-1922 songs here, and the derogatory songs (which I would find weird, if those songs were written today, pretty much I consider those the 1800s versions of the 2 songs I sang this morning) before you put those on high brown. We could try it that way. E-mail me later (you still have my email address, right?), I will send the sheet music for Spirits.
I do have a question, What do you think of my ideas of a new direction for helping the channel to grow bigger, and more well known? Personally, my opinion is good, more kids and teens would be exposed to the real gift of music, the youtube channel.
I do have an Oz song which I could sing later in the week, which is part of another Oz play called “The Woggle Bug” written in 1905 and is based on the 2nd book, The Marvelous Land of Oz. That song has sheet music and I could send it to you. Plus it’ll show you an example of how I will sing the songs with midi files. And that one, despite the fact that the music will be taken from an audio recording of a piano roll, could be my debut video, if you would like to upload it. I will send my recording through google drive later in the week.
I could make a list of songs that are in each of the acts of the 1903 play. Because I might consider doing the songs in batches for each act when I record myself singing.
Some of the modern songs has sheet music but the sheet music is written for school marching bands (I found them on musescore), so we could use those for the reference for the midi files, but like Boola Boola, we could just show the lyrics on the screen.
And I do have a couple more song requests (I’ll be happy to find the sheet music for you)
Spirits by The Strumbellas
Firework by Katy Perry
Tik-Tok by Kesha
Spirits is a really good song.
I will do Firework as my 2nd debut number, I mentioned that. before.
Tik-Tok, I threw in because it’s another modern song.
I can put any song I want here on my blog because it my website and I’m not selling. But I’m not sure about YouTube. They have a copyright policy and it would apply to newer songs. Could always try one and see what happens. If you get three strikes, YouTube can shut you down. I applaud you for singing. I encourage you to develop your skills (I am).
I will do the Oz songs as I know most of them by heart. You know, I once made a scrapbook of the songs but my sources were not that good, I only had 2 sources, Hungry Tiger Press and the Washington University. Plus I have some CDs of the music so I know the songs by heart. Plus if the Oz project attracts Oz fans (especially the International Wizard of Oz Club), They will know me as I have done things for the Oz community many times, I ran an interview series, and I wrote an article for the club’s magazine, The Baum Bugle once. Plus I have various connections within the club itself.
Unfortunately, those 2 songs that I sang have no sheet music (I knew them by ear by watching the videos, and the Cleveland Show itself), but we could try doing an midi file by ear and find a way the show the lyrics in the video, The 2 songs are hilarious, for comic relief (there might be some more songs similar to the 2, that I also might sing, but it does show my sense of humor).
I could maybe do modern songs, spoofs, and songs from cartoons and films, maybe I could do Russian and German songs (I don’t speak the languages fluently, I can do them phonetically but it’ll help your channel gain an international success), and other directions was my intention, to help the project become bigger, and pretty much kids and teens will be exposed to the old music by listening to our covers as much as I was.
I found your channel by searching some music from the 1880s, I listened to the songs, and soon after, I subscribed, and I decided to get notifications of each video (as YouTube gives the option), requested for the 3 old songs, and the rest is history.
Besides as I said, you are one of my top 4 favorite YouTubers, Crazy Russian Dad, Nostalgia Critic, and The Ushanka Show, being the other 3, (I suggest you to check them out, if you would like to see an insight of my diverse tastes, of cultures and humorous reviews.)
I sent you recordings of myself singing the 2 songs through google drive, did you get them? I sent the original versions of the songs as well, to help the person who will do the midi file for the songs, when we get to those,
I’ll do Katy Perry’s Firework, and the other songs later this week.
Yes, I listened to them. You have a great voice. I want you to sing for this project! I’d like for you to sing some of the Wizard of Oz (1903) songs when we get to that. You are showing me other directions for the music. I find that very interesting and I know others will, too. I have to say these two, Crayons and Frappes, are weird for me. Do you think they have sheet music to show? We can do them anyway.
I do have a question about our conversation earlier. What did you mean by playing by ear?
“Playing by ear” is a common phrase. You can search for it online. No written notes are used. You just listen and match the sounds. Most people can do this because we all have the scale in our heads.
I realize I misunderstood your request for Mr. Gallager and Mr. Shean as a karaoke. I’ll do that soon.
I will send the links to the Oz songs when we get to them. I could go on talking about the history of the show itself, and how popular it was, and L. Frank Baum’s book series, and how Oz affected my life in many ways, but I will save those for another day, and I will do those over e-mail.
I don’t know of any recording software. But as I said before, I can’t read music, I can read Cyrillic (I know some Russian and German) but not music. I can only learn music by ear. Plus the 2 songs I will sing don’t have karaoke files (that is why I will sing without music), the song by Katy Perry that I will do has, but I will be reading from the lyrics from the video, which is just the same as reading lyrics from sheet music. But I don’t think I could mash it down to make the midi and my singing synch, unless you want a poor recording of the midi taken from a computer and my singing in good quality lapped over it, (which is the only way I can do it), I will record my singing from my phone as I have done it in the past.
Good enough. And I appreciate all of your help with links, lyrics, researching, etc. I’m relieved to receive help from others now. I completed all the job descriptions in the Request List. You could say they are my requests. Ha Ha
You’re Welcome. Personally, I think that maybe I could do some more songs, that will make the channel bigger, maybe more well known, while I carry on what you have started (I do feel that you are the only sheet music singer and can’t be replaced, but then I do feel that the job will be in good hands), Maybe I can do some covers of old songs and new songs, (Frapp Attack, and the Crayon song to name a couple, though I would love to hear your takes on those 2 as well), but also maybe some Katy Perry and Jacob Sartorious, (I would have to search musescore and start from there or use Karaoke versions, If I can’t find the sheet music, I’ll show you the way I could do the songs, – layman’s terms, for these examples, The same way you did the Yale boola boola song, just the lyrics showing, and maybe I could just do another recording with me trying to do the music, if I can’t find a karaoke version,)
BTW, I have taken some odd jobs before, in the past, like translating and subtitling movies and cartoons from Europe (which was more time consuming for me), but I do think that singing is my thing, but I would have to listen to the song maybe a few times to get it in my head before singing. But my vision is to do cover songs of old and new, to help make the channel timeless, and bigger, and more well known. I’ll record maybe one new song tomorrow, (by one of the aforementioned artists), and the other 2 for my audition,
Great! You will have no problem because you will be able to listen to the midi tracks as much as you need to before singing a song. You will only have to read the words from the sheet music to make sure you are singing accurately. You can practice singing the song without recording. I have done it completely by ear for a few of the songs I don’t have sheet music for. I have also made many small mistakes in the songs, both in the words and in the notes. Going back and making corrections to those already online is a whole other project. Do you have or know of a recording software? I use Cubase Elements. It was cheap but hard for me to learn.
I looked at the request list, I might want to take a position, maybe as vocalist, Personally I do think you are the only sheet music singer, but if you want someone else to sing for you, I’d be happy to go for it. But unfortunately I can’t read sheet music so I would have to hear the song in midi form, or I would have to source a recording of the song to help me sing, What will I be doing?
BTW, I replied to your e-mail, and I sent the song lyrics to the crayon song, and Cleveland’s frapp attack, I could record myself singing them acapella so you can hear what they sound, if you would like. (there are recordings of the 2 songs)
Awesome! I’d love to have you do some singing, Michael. Please be patient as I am building something new. Check the request list for the vocalist “job description” soon. I got your song lyrics. Thanks.
I am a T2 or baritone and would love to contribute some vocals if you need any.
Anna, I’d like for you to pick a sheet music song. If it’s one not in my system, I’ll prepare it for you to sing. I’m now providing the sheet music pdf and a midi.
Can you do my sunny southern home from around 1900
I’ve had trouble finding the sheet music myself but if it helps you Harry Mcdonagh recorded it in 1900
Sure can. BTW, I have not been able to find Bye and Bye You Will Forgive Me (1897). I believe it exists. The closest I found was Bye and Bye You Will Forget Me (1880).
That’s fine thank you
Two song suggestions I don’t believe you’ve covered yet:
Kitten on the Keys – Zez Confrey (Confrey published a song version which is pretty obscure today.
Meet Me In Havana, Anna – Hugo Frey
If need be I have pdf files of both songs I’ve found on the internet.
Also, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but your singing only covers one track, meaning that me (a headphones user) only hears the singing in one ear. It’s a bit disorienting, and I suggest trying to fix it if you can.
Added to the request list. I put the vocal in the left track so piano players can hear only the piano in the right. This helps some learners hear the piano notes better.
Huh, never thought about that. Carry on then.
Also, I should’ve mentioned: the KotK song version is from 1922, and Meet Me in Havana is from 1916.
Unless I’m mistaken, Kitten on the Keys is a Leroy Anderson number, from way later than 1922. I had thought of using that, briefly, for some project, but I’m not about breaking copyright, nor am I in love with tangling with licensing companies, though sometimes it’s a necessity…
Thank you. All published songs are equally good to me. I am regretfully sorry to have to decline this request due to forces beyond my control. I would have liked to provide these recordings. All history needs to be documented fully in order to be dealt with properly. The first song on your list has 1922 sheet music. At least there are YouTube videos of these and other KKK songs.
How come when I enter ‘world war one’ in the dialogue search box’ I’m getting songs from the 1850’s and 1860’s and very few listings from WW I ?
Not sure. Search must be using the words separately. Do the same search from my YouTube channel. I have many more songs on the YouTube channel. There are playlists there for each of the war years. The United States didn’t get in until near the end. I saw a good book on WW1 songs written by Don Tyler. Thanks for following. There are more of these period songs coming.
I just created a World War 1 playlist on YouTube channel Sheet Music Singer. Another reason they are not found here is because the songs are on pages – no ability to tag them.
Hi Fred,
Given my interest in cabaret and Latin music, this may seem an unusual request. But recently I’ve become curious about a song called Stagger Lee / Stagolee / Stack-o-lee, etc. According to an article I read, there have been over 400 recordings of this song. I’ve listened to many different versions and they all differ wildly. What accounts for the songs popularity? Perhaps you can find the sheet music in the Public Domain. Any light you can shed on this would be greatly appreciated.
P.S. I found this article in Wikipedia:
OK. I’ll look for it. Maybe a folk blues. Might have been picked up in England by skiffle bands. I’ll record any notated version I can find. Would you consider singing a Spanish language song for me? I can send you the notes and lyrics for Adios Mariquita Linda (1925).
I’m unsure as to whether they would fall under your remit, but I think it would be nice (and historically valuable) to hear such songs from this archived collection as you might be pleased to perform:
I’ll be happy to record from this book. I would prefer for you to choose the titles. I’ve also heard that Canada has a library like the Library of Congress and the National Library of Australia that has single song commercial sheet music. Possibly some of those are online but I have never worked from that source.
Thanks, so much! Fred Feild
Request please:-
“When I leave the world behind” (1915)
Sure thing. It’ll be a while, though.
So glad to have stumbled across this site, but I have one recurring frustration. So many things that one expects to be links aren’t. I can’t find a direct clickable link to your YouTube site; a missed opportunity to create a link when the site is mentioned. The albums and song listings on the right, such as “The Picture That Is Turned Toward the Wall, are not links to the YouTube site, although it would be very nice if they were.
Hope you’ll be adding more links along with all these wonderful pieces of music history.
Bev, so great that you are listening! I will begin putting a link for the most recent YouTube song. Good idea. This site is mainly audios for those with slow connection or computer. The Youtube videos show the sheet music in panels so you can see the notes.
Fred Feild, sheet music singer
Yes, that is right. I am in England. In Newcastle Upon Tyne in the North East.
Hello fred,
I have seen you latest “updat” Video about the the songs that some people may find offensive. People don’t have to botghert with them if they don’t want to. I am glad you are putting them up there as interesting historical value. The thing with slavery and balck people is su a dmoniant major pert of America’s History. I am not offended myself. I know there are people who are not happy about them, they can just not bother with those particular songs. i think it is a pity fopr you to stop the. Maybe just put those up for say a couple of weeks at a time to give than chance foe people whopa re interested and then take them off. That is an idea for what it is worth. If you do that, please say so on the comment for that song. I Look forwatd to hearing more. Keep it up.
Hi, Fred,
At your request, I’ve set down some of my thoughts below. Please feel free to use my comments to promote your website/youtube channel.
I discovered Fred’s Youtube channel (“Sheet Music Singer”) a while ago and have been a follower and enthusiastic supporter ever since. I am a lover (and singer) of classic American popular songs, and the novelty of hearing these songs performed exactly as written intrigued and appealed to me.
Over the years, I’ve heard these tunes performed by Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah Vaughan and many others, but these great artists always add their own interpretive touches and flourishes. And many times, they omit the Verse, which I consider an integral part of the song. While I don’t begrudge these great stylists their license, Fred’s renditions provide insight into the “original intent” of the composer and lyricist.
Also, the sheer scope and audacity of Fred’s project is worthy of admiration. I don’t believe anyone has ever attempted a project of this magnitude. I haven’t taken inventory lately, but I’m sure I know thousands of songs. Fred’s videos reveal just how many I DON’T know!
What Fred has done so far, and is continuing to do, is unique, necessary and vastly important. He is making a significant contribution to the historical record and to our understanding of this vital body of work. I applaud his energy and his industry and wish him well in his efforts on behalf of American popular song.
Thank you so much. As always, you are a good friend to Sheet Music Singer. You have said many nice things, and they are right on. I posted your comment as is. Let me know if you want any changes.
Fred Feild
Hi, Fred,
Hi, Fred,
I came across your youtube site last spring and watched all three tutorial videos. I’d like to watch them again, but can’t seem to locate them. Are they still on your channel?
I believe that your project is of inestimable value to students, performers and listeners of American popular song. I have studied the genre for over 40 years and yet have already learned a great deal in the short time it took me to watch your videos.
I recently came across a framed piece of sheet music hanging on the wall of my favorite BBQ restaurant here in Brooklyn. It’s called “Whoa January (You’re Going to be Worse Than July)” by Andrew Sterling and Albert von Tilzer. It dates from 1919 and from the cover pic it’s obviously about Prohibition. I found a piano roll version on youtube, but I was wondering if you have recorded this. I’d love to hear it sung.
Danny Heller
So good to hear from you. Yes, those tutorials are here (at the bottom of the posts) and on the YouTube site. Look in the playlists for Tutorials. Sorry if I had them unlisted for a while. I was trying to encourage people to come to the blog. But I decided to put them back up because there is much more traffic on YouTube than here.
Danny, you were one of my first subscribers! I’m so glad you appreciate the value of this project. So much has been forgotten that is really good stuff. I get a great feeling reassembling the parts and pieces to make my recordings. Don’t want to say too much of my personal opinions. But I get the feeling that I have a unique perspective that can increase awareness and acceptance of older music.
Danny, I posted “Whoa January”
Danny, could you write a short description of how you use Sheet Music Singer? I’d like to put it into an article for others to see.
Some songs I think of you have not yet done.
Ta-ra-ra Boom-de-ay
All The Nices Girls Love A Sailor
I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside
Down At The Old Bull And Bush
If you knew Susie like I know Susie
Walk Down The Avenue
Five Foot two, Eyes Of Blue
Don’t Dilly dally All The Way
It’s A Long Way To Tipperary
Yes Sir, That’s My Baby
Fred You project is amazing, Get them all out there. They sound good. Great to have this so we can hear what these song were originally like.
Thank you. Yes, I try and record the original published versions. Will be adding Ta-ra-ra Boom-de-ay a couple of weeks from now. Tipperary is already up.
Привет, Фред. Я очень заинтересован твоим проектом. Я живу в России и у нас очень не стабильная политическая ситуация, иными словами – театр абсурда. После выборов “императора” путина в марте 2018 года, чиновники будут будут всё больше и больше нарушать права человека. Правительство подготовило законопроект о блокировке иностранных сайтов, один из них, это всеми любимый You Tube. Советую послушать песни Джорджа Вашингтона-Джонсона, born in 1846. Хочу узнать, будешь ли ты публиковать музыку тридцатых годов 20 века? Огромное спасибо тебе за всё, что ты делаешь.
I sing songs published up until 1922. Then copyright takes over.
We love your work! Tank you so much for creating this resource. Your list of possible tunes has just increased. I’ve heard the U.S. public domain date now goes through 1923. My husband has a huge collection of old sheet music, and out band specializes in songs written prior to 1930, though we do include a few “modern” tunes. One is even from 1964, but it’s about old radio shows.
I have recorded Ship Ahoy! Now you can find it in the long list and listen to it. I plan to include the next couple of songs you requested, too. You must be from England.
Fred, the Sheet Music Singer
Interesting song my husband.They dont make em like that anymore.Its great!
I was a barbershop singer for 40 years and I love your site. It is amazing how many songs you sing that I have covered!
What happened to the song about the black man in jail who was going to write his girlfriend for $5? I can’t find it anymore? There are a few other songs that seem to have disappeared? You app playlist is not the same as YouTube… however, please keep up the good work. I really enjoy the times around 1900.
Be sure to check the list at
Hi Fred,
Just discovered your site about a week ago and it’s exciting! I’m learning to play the piano and love seeing some of the music that my parents and grandparents enjoyed. But I’m a bit confused. I notice your main web page has a list of songs, which I assumed to be a comprehensive list of songs you have processed. But then I somehow found the page which has a different list. You also have a list on Are there other lists as well? Here’s my request: can you publish a comprehensive list of songs or at least a comprehensive list of pages that contain the individual lists? You could place a link to that comprehensive list on your main home page.
Thanks very much to you and the other volunteers to make this music available to us!
Yes. One other