More Fun Than Video Games

Howdy y’all. This ride through the labyrinth of old sheet music is more fun than a video game. And the subjects never end. Always a surprise with each new song. There is a huge availability that is virtually untapped. I hope you will check back in your community often and participate. Maybe we can find […]

Progress Path To Success

Success is happiness, fun, fulfillment, engagement, finding meaning in life, connecting with others, having a purpose. I found my way in four steps. First, I learned about sheet music. I collected it. I handled it in music stores and libraries. I studied all the little markings on the music like it was a blueprint. I […]

Community First

A good way to start an enterprise is to gather a group of people. All the better if they are like-minded. But that can develop. These might be experts. Better yet, they will be enthusiasts, champions of a cause. Here is a mastermind. You start by hanging out together (connected at a distance in our […]


This is a new online community. Lots of possibilities! What would you like it to be? So far we have profile, posting, commenting, messaging and groups. Profile – I encourage you to read everybody’s profile. You can see their country and interest area. Obvious interests that apply are sheet music, MIDI, and singing. Posts – […]

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