Casey Jones

A tragic comedy based on a real event, 1909.
words by T. Lawrence Seibert
music by Eddie Newton

The sheet music:

Accompaniment track:


  1. Come all you rounders if you want to hear
    A story about a brave Engineer
    Casey Jones was the Rounders name
    On a six eight wheeler boys he won his fame
    The caller called Casey at a half past four
    Kissed his wife at the station door
    Mounted to the Cabin with his orders in his hand
    And he took his farewell trip to that promised land

Casey Jones! mounted to the cabin
Casey Jones, with his orders in his hand
Casey Jones, mounted to the cabin
And he took his farewell trip to that Promised Land

  1. Put in your water and shovel in your coal
    Put your head out the window watch them drivers roll
    I’ll run her till she leaves the rail
    Cause I’m eight hour late with that western mail
    He looked at his watch and his watch was slow
    He looked at the water and the water was low
    He turned to the Fireman and he said
    “We’re going to reach Frisco but we’ll all be dead”

Casey Jones! going to reach Frisco
Casey Jones, but we’ll all be dead
Casey Jones, going to reach Frisco
“We’re going to reach Frisco but we’ll all be dead”

  1. Casey pulled up that Reno hill
    He tooted for the crossing with an awful shrill
    The switchman knew by the engine’s moan
    That the man at the throttle was Casey Jones
    He pulled up within two miles of the place
    Number four stared him right in the face
    Turned to the Fireman, said, “Boy you’d better jump
    Cause there’s two Locomotives that’s a-going to bump”

Casey Jones! two Locomotives
Casey Jones, that’s a-going to bump
Casey Jones, two Locomotives
“There’s two Locomotives that’s a-going to bump”

  1. Casey said just before he died,
    “There’s two more roads that I’d like to ride”
    Fireman said, “What could that be?”
    “The Southern Pacific and the Sante Fe”
    Mrs. Jones sat on her bed a sighing
    Just received a message that Casey was dying
    Said, “Go to bed children and hush your crying
    Cause you got another papa on the Salt Lake Line”

Mrs. Casey Jones! got another papa
Mrs. Casey Jones, on that Salt Lake Line
Mrs. Casey Jones, got another papa
“And you’ve got another papa on that Salt Lake Line”

Sung here by Fred & Penny Feild: