Call Me Flo

A popular song from 1912
Words and music by John Golden and Jerome Kern

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. Life is lonely and I’m only
    Human after all
    Long discourses on divorces
    Lately seem to pall
    Any widow grass or real
    Who knows her little game
    Can merely smile when people style her
    Missus what’s her name
    So call me Flo
    We’ll call you Flo

I may be Missus Green on Monday
But I like a varied lot
I may be Missus Black on Wednesday
But on Saturday, I’m not
Because the next day I may wed again
With another one, you know
But my first name will ever be the same
So you can always call me Flo
So take my tip, and you will never slip
If you will always call me Flo

  1. It is vexing and perplexing
    If one has to say
    Is your name the very same
    As it was yesterday?
    When I have a hat sent home
    Addressed to Missus Gray
    I always dread that I’ll be wed
    While it is on the way
    So call me Flo
    We’ll call you Flo