Bygone Days

From the musical “The Polish Wedding”, 1912
Words and music by Jerome D. Kern

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


Come then, my love
We two shall go a strolling
Back to the days
When love beyond controlling
Led us gaily by the hand
You left me there in Love’s own land
You went your way there’s no denying
For you wandered o’er the hills away
Ah, stop I pray
You left me sighing
My love, my dear
The fault was mine, I fear
Could you forgive me?
Can you try?
If we could only start anew
Just you and I
I would be ever fond and true
Then let us try
Just as we did in days gone by, dear
Give me the chance once more to try, dear
Love will forge a new each golden fetter
And we’ll obey him always to the letter
Give me your little hand my love
That’s better
For those days my heart begins to yearn
Ah! happiness will you return

Bygone days
When you were all in all to me
Bygone days
Fond memories recall to me
Bygone days
Can they return to us once more
Love was the master then in full control
Of heart and soul my own, my darling
From your far distant ways
Come back once more as of yore
Bygone days