Broken-Hearted Baby

A popular song from 1928
Words and music by Sam H. Stept and Bud Cooper

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by Denese Coulbeck:


  1. Tho’ I’m not what you would call a prize
    I’ve seen a lot much worse than I’m getting by
    I have just begun to realize
    Exactly what a lonesome soul am I
    I wasn’t made for love it’s plain to see
    What I am I guess I’ll always be

I’m just a broken-hearted baby
Lonesome and blue, oh, what’ll I do
All I hear is maybe
Why must it be just poor little me
Out at a dance I’m the loneliest party
Who’ll take a chance
While I’m still hale and hearty
Broken-hearted baby, nobody cares about me

  1. I’m as blue as anyone can be
    And everyone I meet has nothing sweet to say
    No one takes a second look at me
    They say “hello” and pass along their way
    Gee! I hope that someone soon comes along
    Must I always sing this same old song