Blowing Bubbles

A popular song from the year 1927.
Words by Sarah Grames Clark.
Music by Margaret McClure Stitt.

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. I’m playing a pretty fairy game
    And blowing bubbles is its name
    O, I should like to play with you
    So, won’t you please to join us, too
    If I blow bubbles out your way
    If I blow bubbles out your way
    Catch them, I pray

Blowing bubbles is great fun
Once the sport is well begun
This is what we like to do
Blowing bubbles here with you

  1. No wonder the little fairy folk
    Think blowing bubbles is a joke
    A bubble has only space inside
    And yet will grow up big and wide
    If I blow bubbles out your way
    If I blow bubbles out your way
    Catch them, I pray
  2. In fairy bubbles hide secrets rare
    And that’s why fairy lights are there
    Sometimes they’re pink, sometimes they’re blue
    They’re there to bring good luck to you
    If I blow bubbles out your way
    If I blow bubbles out your way
    Catch them, I pray
  3. O, did you ever stop to think
    In ev’ry little bubble pink
    Perhaps the tiny fairies stay
    And with the bubble children play
    If I blow bubbles out your way
    If I blow bubbles out your way
    Catch them, I pray