Blind Man’s Buff

From “The Happiest Night of His Life”, 1909
Words by Junie McCree
Music by Albert Von Tilzer

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by Gerd Westendorp:


  1. It is so dark that I can’t see
    Why don’t you try to grab a little girl?
    I will if one comes near to me
    Why don’t you try to grab a little girl?
    If I could move this thing I wear
    Don’t touch the blind it isn’t fair
    I’m grabbing nothing but the air
    Why don’t you try to grab a little girl?

Blind man’s buff
Any little girl you catch you kiss
Blind man’s buff
Every time I reach for one I miss
We don’t think you want a kiss
If you did you’d grab a miss
If I catch you one won’t be enough
Girls you don’t know what you’re missing
I’m just famished for some kissing
Blind man’s buff

  1. It is the game we love to play
    Why don’t you try to grab a little boy?
    I wish that one would come my way
    Why don’t you try to grab a little boy?
    I’m going to catch the boy I love
    I’m standing here my little dove
    The same old gag no kiss just shone
    Why don’t you try to grab a little boy?

Sung here by Vancha March: