Before I Go and Marry

(I Will Have a Talk With You)
A popular song from 1910
Words and music by Irving Berlin

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. Jealous little maid was sadly crying
    Crying ’cause her little heart was hurt
    Told her fellow there was no denying
    She saw him flirt
    Fellow whispers, “Let your heart be cheery
    Won’t you let me dry those tears away?
    Be your own sweet self and cuddle near me
    There is something sweet I want to say”

I may take a walk with Dolly
I may smile at pretty May
I may have a talk with Molly
Or with Polly, or even Fay
I may flirt with charming Carrie
As another boy would do
But before I go and marry
I will have a talk with you

  1. When I noticed something sweet in Molly
    That’s the time I loved your baby smile
    When I saw how cute and neat was Dolly
    I liked your style
    Fellows raved to me about a prize, dear
    Meaning Carrie’s pretty eyes of blue
    So I went and gazed into her eyes, dear
    That’s the day I fell in love with you

Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: