At the Weeping Widows Ball

a 1922 popular song
written by Irving Newton

The sheet music:



  1. I have a date, daren’t be late
    Got to be ready at half past eight
    All the weeping widows are giving a ball
    Sent an invitation to me first of all
    Everything will be fine
    Widows are in my line

I’ll tip my liddo, to each kiddo
At that widow’s ball
On the level, I’m a devil
With the girls, that’s all
You will see them stare
Every widow there
When I do my step across the hall
Treat a lady, like a baby
And she’ll surely fall
Then get bolder
Shake a little shoulder with a baby doll
Although she was a bride before
Perhaps she’ll take a chance once more
[And if she says she’ll be my bride
I’ll let my conscience be my guide]
So I’ll be right on time tonight
At the weeping widows ball

  1. Just about nine, we’ll fall in line
    Music affects me the same as wine
    Every little widow will start in to smile
    For they’ll find that weeping
    Has gone out of style
    When I’m started, oh boy
    You’ll see them shimmy with joy

Sung here by Fred Feild: