Any Old Port In A Storm

A popular song from 1908
Words by Arthur J. Lamb
Music by Kerry Mills

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. Out on the billows the good ship tossed
    But a brave little craft was she
    Tho’ the thunder roared and the torrents poured
    In the pit of the angry sea
    And the captain stood on the surf-swept deck
    And he looked o’er the seething foam
    He murmured, “We’re far from the harbor-bar
    And far from the lights of home
    But e’en as he gazed, he cried
    “There’s land on the starboard side
    Ship ahoy! Ship ahoy!”

Any old port in a storm lads
Whatever that port may be
And thanks be given our Father in Heaven
Who watches o’er you and me
Tho’, we’re far, far away from the land we seek
Where the heart of true love beats warm
For the shelter there, is a haven fair
Any old port in a storm
Any old port in a storm

  1. Close to the vessel the lifeboat rocked
    With its cargo of souls inside
    But the captain stood on the sinking deck
    “There is no room for me,” he cried
    “Do not wait my lads, pull away,” he said
    And the life boat shot o’er the sea
    He murmured low, “Tis my time to go
    Another port waits for me”
    Then in the embrace of death
    He sang with his failing breath
    “Ship ahoy! Ship ahoy!”

Sung here by Vancha March: