Alexander’s Band Is Back In Dixieland

A post WWI song from 1919
Words by Jack Yellen
Music by Albert Gumble

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. Where’s that music comin’ from
    Listen to that rum-tum-tum
    Come a little nearer
    Now it’s gettin’ clearer
    Ain’t they playin’ some
    That’s what I call music sweet
    Puts the tickle in your feet
    I know from the metre there’s a certain leader
    Comin’ down the street

Here comes Ragtime Alexander
Dixie’s famous band commander
No more worry no more blues
Ev’rybody run along and get your dancin’ shoes
When it comes to syncopation
That’s the best band in creation
Oh boy what a time
Cross the Mason Dixon line
Alexander’s Band is back in Dixie land

  1. Now we’ll have some harmonies
    Floatin’ on the evenin’ breeze
    When the steamboat loaders
    And the cotton toters
    Start their jubilees
    I’ll be down to ev’ry one
    Just as quick as I can run
    With my lovin’ baby
    Let me tell you maybe
    I won’t have some fun

Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: