
A popular song from 1938
English lyric by Olga Paul
Arranged by Ricardo Romero

The sheet music:


Oh Adelita, I pray, do not leave me
For I will follow wherever you may go
Battleship or a train full of soldiers
Will transport me while I sing my woe
Oh Adelita, I pray, do not leave me
For I will follow wherever you may go
Battleship or a train full of soldiers
Will transport me while I sing my woe
Adelita, if I could be your husband
If you’d be my own, my little wife
Then I’d buy you a dress that’s made of satin
And I would worship you all through my life
Adelita, if I could be your husband
If you’d be all my own, my little wife
Then I’d buy you a dress that’s made of satin
And I would worship you all through my life

But if the bugle should call me to battle
It’s many echoes would sing your name to me
To my heart which is sad it would whisper
“Adelita is thinking of thee”
But if the bugle should call me to battle
It’s many echoes would sing your name to me
To my heart which is sad it would whisper
“Adelita is thinking of thee”
Adelita, if I should fall in battle
In the Sierras I would proudly lie
Do not shed tears for me and do not sorrow
Since I’ll be glad for my country to die
Adelita, if I should fall in battle
In the Sierras I would proudly lie
Do not shed tears for me and do not sorrow
Since I’ll be glad for my country to die