A Package Of Seeds

From the musical “Oh Boy”, 1917
Words by Herbert Reynolds and P. G. Wodehouse
Music by Jerome Kern

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. Beautiful girls as so scarce, I have found
    There never seems half enough to go ’round
    I’ve often wished that in gardens they grew
    Warmed by the sunshine and wet by the dew

If I’d a garden where girlies would grow
You’d find me there with my spade and my hoe
My little garden, I never would leave
I’d work from day break until the eve
Daytime and night I would cheerfully toil
I’d kill the blight and encourage the soil
And when at last, I had cleared it of weeds
I’d go and buy me a package of seeds

  1. All through the winter, they’d lie there below
    Tucked snugly under a mantle of snow
    April, at last, warmth and showers, would bring
    And all my flowers would bloom in the Spring

Primrose and Myrtle and Lilys I’d see
They’d be there growing for now one but me
Delightful creatures a garden of girls
With fairest features and lovely curls
All ’round my garden, in rapture, I’d roam
I’d stay all day there and never go home
I can’t imagine what more a man needs
Than lots of ground and a package of seeds

Sung here by Vancha March: