A Midnight Romance

(Lonely Mary)
A popular song from 1919
Words and music by Anita Stewart

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by Denese Coulbeck:


  1. Everybody wants someone
    To love them some time
    Everybody keeps longing
    For sweet bells to chime
    Love is something that varies
    While you’re waiting your chance
    So, I’ll tell you of Mary’s
    Peculiar romance

People called her lonely Mary
Dreaming dreams that can’t come true
For that empty part in her loving heart
There was none who seemed to do
Then a sweetheart came to Mary
While the moonbeams did their dance
And the boy brought joy to lonely Mary
In a Midnight Romance

  1. For each girlie who’s pining
    There’s one lonesome boy
    When love does its entwining
    Their hearts beat with joy
    Just forget about sorrow
    Think of Mary’s romance
    Who knows! maybe tomorrow
    You may get your chance

Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: