(A Little Kiss Each Night)
From the film “The Vagabond Lover”, 1929
Words and music by Harry Woods
The sheet music:
Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne
- You and I have everything
To make our dreams come true
You’re in love with me, dear
I’m in love with you
There’s just one thing I must say
As through the years we start
Keep this little love song
In a corner of your heart
We’ll be so happy, we’ll always sing
If we remember one little thing
A little kiss each morning
A little kiss each night
Who cares if hard luck may be ahead
An empty cupboard, a crust of bread
A little kiss each morning
A little kiss each night
Dreams may disappoint us
As they often do
Bring your tears to me, Dear
I’ll bring mine to you
Though hair so golden may turn to grey
I’ll call you “sweetheart” the same old way
A little kiss each morning
A little kiss each night
- I remember when we met
The day was cold and grey
You brought me the sunshine
Grey skies rolled away
What you’ve done for me, sweetheart
I’ll do the same for you
We’ll have what we long for
And our dreams will all come true
Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: