
This main website gives you 6,300 song pages with sheet music, accompaniments, lyrics, and vocals. Enjoy and share.

For years a small group has been researching, documenting and demonstrating sheet music. These songs hold tremendous value for you.

Would you like to discover more music? Would you like to know exactly how an old song goes? Well, this is a great finding tool with keyword search. Below you will also find indexes into special interest areas such as composers, decades, and subject areas. Now YOU can dive deeply into different types of music and get closer to sources.

Join our small group of dedicated singers, musicians and historians. There are still many lost gems to find! All of the resources and activities here are free.

Author: Fred

Fred Feild's email is screamnj@msn.com. I use Cubase to recreate old popular songs from sheet music. On this site you can listen to full songs you can't find elsewhere. I can show you how I create them.

9 thoughts on “Welcome!”

  1. Thank you for this wonderful collection. I had been searching for ” Wagon Wheels ” on the internet and stumbled across this website.

    Such fun to find these gems!

  2. I just discovered your site after looking through at least 10 Readers Digest Songbooks to fin “Heart of My Heart” that a friend had remembered from family gatherings listening to/singer with her mom who played it. And there is was……..in your list. Thank you. Once you hear it again you’ll hum it all day!

  3. Greetings and hello!
    I bumped into your YT page a few years ago, and your URL a time after that. I love the old stuff! If I may I want to ask you to perform a song c. 1931.
    Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams.
    Thanks in advance.
    Greg in Baltimore.

  4. I stumbled across your site last night* and was happily looking through the list on the right, thinking “great, a modest but well-presented and very useful collection” when I realised how the alphabetisation worked… and that I wasn’t even onto the As yet! And then I realised how many As there were, and read that the collection includes nearly 5000 songs. I am absolutely staggered by the scope and quality of what you have put together here, and the labour you’ve put into it. This is going to give me many hours of pleasant and profitable browsing. The scans alone are a treasure trove, with their beautiful artwork, but the MIDI files and recordings make this one of the most impressive and useful musical resources I’ve found anywhere. Whoever you are, Fred, I salute you and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    * let’s just say I got to bed very late.

  5. Hello I just recently found this amazing website that you have here and I’m going through and doing a song for each letter of the alphabet and I’ll probably double up and do it again because I’m having so much fun and I’m doing it on Instagram @metroblock1 . I hope it’s okay that I’m taking these songs and doing it like that I would share it to some sort of group YouTube but I’m so technologically illiterate that I don’t know how to use YouTube but I have thousands of cover songs that I do on Instagram and I’m doing a lot of these and I’m having so much fun as I said before so if you’re interested and seeing what I’m doing with these songs follow me on Instagram

  6. I love your videos. I have been researching silent film accompaniments and your recordings of some of the songs listed in the musical suggestions (cue sheets) are incredibly helpful! Thank you so much for your work on this.

  7. Hello,
    I’ve only just discovered your brilliant site. I’ve listened to some of your songs that came up on YouTube but didn’t realize you had such a fantastic archive.
    For a while my wife and I have been trying to sing old songs (accompanied on ukulele) from a book of music hall songs she was given at the school she used to work in. It has the sheet music and words, but many of the songs we only recognise from the choruses, so being able to listen to versions like yours, with the verses clearly sung, is invaluable in working out how we want to approach them.
    There’s one song we’ve tried that doesn’t seem to be in your list – “I’ll Be Your Sweetheart” by Harry Dacre (1899) – is this one you have a version of?
    Anyway, thanks for providing such a great site.
    Gordon & Jan (from Dorset, England)

    1. Thank you. I don’t have access to that song I’ll Be Your Sweetheart. If you send the sheet music pages to screamnj@msn.com I can sing that as a request. We are building the site as large as we can. Fred Feild

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