Donate to Sheet Music Singer

You can support this project with a check or PayPal.

We pay for domain name, website hosting, wifi, etc. We no longer use Patreon. Please donate here instead.

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You can send a check to:
Fred Feild
178 Rainbow Drive #7878
Livingston, TX 77399

Thank you!!!

Author: Fred

Fred Feild's email is I use Cubase to recreate old popular songs from sheet music. On this site you can listen to full songs you can't find elsewhere. I can show you how I create them.

5 thoughts on “Donate to Sheet Music Singer”

  1. Hi, I am working with a young voice client, who has discovered the American Songbook-especially Doris Day and Judy Garland songs, and can eerily perform them beautifully in the styles of those singers. It is difficult to find sheet music of some of these old songs, so I very much appreciate finding them here. We will do our own arrangements of them, but having access to the sheet music saves some time. I was lucky to be at the University of Arizona when we accepted the library of Artie Shaw, and got to ferret through the materials. I know the importance of archiving. Best, Lisa

    1. Lisa, I think I know you. We worked in the Catalina Foothills middle schools at one point. You are very accomplished at electronic music. So happy you found SMS. Fred Feild

  2. Hello, are you able to find the song “Come out Come out (wherever you are) 1933, Babye Rose Marie? I’ve been looking forever but can’t find it anywhere

  3. Mr. Feild, thank you so much for putting this website together. I’m an ‘ukulele player in my 20s and I love 1920s-1960s music, especially the 1940s. At the moment, I’m bopping to The Pied Pipers, especially their work with Tommy Dorsey and a young Frank Sinatra. Although, their stuff with Johnny Mercer is great, too! I’m trying to learn several songs— “In the Middle of May”, “Dolores”, “Mairzy Doats”, “You Might have Belonged to Another”. Your website has been a great resource, and I’m really grateful the internet led me here. I tried to donate to the site, but unfortunately the link said “this organization is not accepting donations right now”. Please let me know if there is an alternate way to support your project. -Quick

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