Processing the Stack

We are approaching 6,000 song pages. That’s a big pile; the more the merrier. Now we need to process the pile. What’s in it? What’s it worth?

There is a lot of history contained here. A few historical categories are: minstrel show, Civil War, gay nineties, cakewalk, ragtime, music hall, vaudeville, burlesque, Dixieland jazz, World War I, blues, 1920s dance crazes, musicals, World War II, film songs. Are you looking for these?

Some notable composers we are documenting are Irving Berlin, Jerome Kern, Stephen Foster, Milton Ager, Albert and Harry Von Tilzer, George Gershwin, Harry Warren, and many more. Are you following any of them?

There are many special interest subjects in the songs. Some are telephones, radio, hot air balloons, autos, trains, animals. Locations are highlighted such as New York City, states such as Virginia, Alabama, Louisiana, Georgia, Mississippi, Tennessee, and more. Use our site’s search box to locate some.

We have songs published in many places by Feist, Remick, Berlin, Von Tilzer, Waterson & Shapiro, etc. The cover art shows a lot about fashion, architecture, the landscape, the changes of which can be noticeable.

As you keep looking at and listening to more of the songs you will continue to be amused and informed. Come back frequently to see what has been added. “New” items are coming in every day.

Author: Fred

Fred Feild's email is I use Cubase to recreate old popular songs from sheet music. On this site you can listen to full songs you can't find elsewhere. I can show you how I create them.

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